Section: Research Program

Design and Programming Models

Work on this theme aims to develop models , languages and tools to support a “correct-by-construction” approach to the development of embedded systems.

On the programming side, we focus on the definition of domain specific programming models and languages supporting static analyses for the computation of precise resource bounds for program executions. We propose dataflow models supporting dynamicity while enjoying effective analyses. In particular, we study parametric extensions where properties such as liveness and boundedness remain statically analyzable.

On the design side, we focus on the definition of component-based models for software architectures combining distribution, dynamicity, real-time and fault-tolerant aspects. Component-based construction has long been advocated as a key approach to the “correct-by-construction” design of complex embedded systems  [55]. Witness component-based toolsets such as Ptolemy   [47], BIP  [38], or the modular architecture frameworks used, for instance, in the automotive industry (AUTOSAR)  [30]. For building large, complex systems, a key feature of component-based construction is the ability to associate with components a set of contracts, which can be understood as rich behavioral types that can be composed and verified to guarantee a component assemblage will meet desired properties.

Formal models for component-based design are an active area of research. However, we are still missing a comprehensive formal model and its associated behavioral theory able to deal at the same time with different forms of composition, dynamic component structures, and quantitative constraints (such as timing, fault-tolerance, or energy consumption).

We plan to develop our component theory by progressing on two fronts: a semantical framework and domain-specific programming models. The work on the semantical framework should, in the longer term, provide abstract mathematical models for the more operational and linguistic analysis afforded by component calculi. Our work on component theory will find its application in the development of a Coq -based toolchain for the certified design and construction of dependable embedded systems, which constitutes our first main objective for this axis.